Part 1 at 01:57 mins. - "distributing video files...has proven to be a FINANCIAL CHALLENGE..." Are we seeing a pattern here? Most of the changes taking place across Watchtower are admitted to be due to "financial" reasons, yet the version of the story spun to the publishers in the sanitised videos shown at the Kingdom Halls and on JW Broadcasting is that all of these changes are "Jehovah's direction". Yet, in the UK they persist with building an office and a few residence blocks for "video editing" that in their own published accounts (IBSA + Watchtower UK) they predict another £75 million will be required to finish the project. Who's steering this chariot?
Fay Dehr
JoinedPosts by Fay Dehr
LEAKED: HuB Project 2018 [4 parts + 3 sub-videos]
by Fay Dehr in
leaked: hub project 2018 [part 1 of 4]
leaked: hub project 2018 [part 2 of 4]
Fay Dehr
LEAKED: HuB Project 2018 [4 parts + 3 sub-videos]
by Fay Dehr in
leaked: hub project 2018 [part 1 of 4]
leaked: hub project 2018 [part 2 of 4]
Fay Dehr
LEAKED: HuB Project 2018 [part 1 of 4]
LEAKED: HuB Project 2018 [part 2 of 4]
LEAKED: HuB Project 2018 [part 2-i of 4]
LEAKED: HuB Project 2018 [part 2-ii of 4]
LEAKED: HuB Project 2018 [part 2-iii of 4]
LEAKED: HuB Project 2018 [part 3 of 4]
LEAKED: HuB Project 2018 [part 4 of 4]
LEAKED: HuB Project 2018 [4 parts + 3 sub-videos]
In this leaked WHQ Computer Department meeting, a jubilant team take turns in what appears to be self-congratulatory presentations.
Part 2 features 3 sub-videos: JW Language, Digital ID, HuB Project
Part 3 deals with the rollout of their VoIP phone system - bonus points if you spot the "carved image" hanging on the wall!
The segments are leaked "as is" (no editing), so feel free to add your comments and observations.
Fay Dehr
Watchtower finances have forced layoffs, cut-backs and down-sizing across all departments. In an effort to reduce costs of Circuit Overseers, one CO is called into Bethel to test-drive the “Mini-Me” – Watchtowers latest answer to vehicle costs. The new, smaller sized vehicle is specifically adapted to the new reduced-size Bethel being constructed in Chelmsford. In a leaked letter “To All Circuit Overseers” they are told that there will be a choice of 2 models: engine powered, and feet powered (via a hole in the floor). Any COs with wives are advised to strap them to the roof, or make them walk behind.
Fay Dehr
@ 5:30 - "a 79 year old volunteer..." Hmm...a glimpse into Watchtower future? (An aging demographic of members)
Fay Dehr
Come and work for one day? Travel at you own (considerable) expense, stay overnight at an expensive hotel, arrive early on site and put in a 10 hour day. Stay overnight again, at your own expense. Travel back home, at your own expense.
When you return home, ask your bank for a loan to cover the week's secular work that you missed in order to put in "one day" at the Bethel project.
Watch more JW videos about giving more donations. Attend the regional convention and puzzle at the spiralling "costs" (Watchtower per person stealth tithe)...ditto that at the next circuit assembly. Listen to the prompts to donate more by the CO in his visits. Donate, donate, donate, give 'till you bleed dry.
Now ask yourself, how much money does the gambler put into the machine before he has a lucid moment and realizes it's better to "cut your loses" and get a real life?
"Daddy, is the the scale model of the new UK Bethel?"
by Fay Dehr in.
...are we having financial issues watchtower?.
Fay Dehr
...are we having financial issues Watchtower?
Research help needed: knowledge of Knights Templar and Masonic history vital
by Fay Dehr ini am in conversation with a uk historian regarding some knights templar locations, where jws have built buildings.
*** this is serious research - not a joke *** .
i am not - and do not wish to be - a conspiracy theorist, but something has come to light in the uk and i lack the knowledge of knights templar + masons.
Fay Dehr
Hi. I am in conversation with a UK historian regarding some Knights Templar locations, where JWs have built buildings. *** THIS IS SERIOUS RESEARCH - NOT A JOKE ***
I am not - and do not wish to be - a conspiracy theorist, but something has come to light in the UK and I lack the knowledge of Knights Templar + Masons. I need to enlist the research help of anyone on this forum who has some experience/knowledge/time to spare. Feel free to PM me for the details...
The research is for a video I am preparing - a serious video (no jesting) - about the new UK branch in "Temple Farm" in Chelmsford. I have been in contact with a government official who turns out to be a member of a local historical society. What he pointed me to was an "I don't believe it" moment...followed by..."What?! Seriously?!" I now would like to ask for help to research this further, so that if it leads to anything with solid evidence I can include it in the video.
The main topic I need to verify is: numerology within Free Masons and Knights Templar - is there a genuine significance of the number 33?
If you have anything *** SERIOUS *** to add, please comment here too, but if not a serious comment I kindly ask you to direct your creative typing skills to one of the many other worthwhile posts on this forum instead ;-)
Fay Dehr
How they have changed. KM 9/74 p.8
We have no organizational symbol to identify ourselves but show that we are Jehovah’s Christian witnesses by living in harmony with God’s will.